iPhone Videos - Brushes

Entries in Photoshop (8)


Digging into Configurator for Photoshop

Coming back to retouching and image editing after a few years putting together components for mobile apps, I find that my approach is just not what it used to be. Though I still want to make the best possible edits, I am sort of obsessed with trying to streamline the process as much as I can- through droplets, actions, scripts, and the interface. I had admittedly forgotten about the handy little tool called Configurator, but am now having quite a bit of fun with it to try to make a more streamlined PS kit for retouching.

My custom icons are still a little rough around the edges here, but I want to take most of the pulldown menu items and put then in the main panel, though just a bit larger than the rest of the standard PS tools. While making icons for Augmented Reality mobile apps in past months, I seldom needed to make more than a few buttons, so this is a great exercise to push myself a little further. 


Photoshop Brush Noodling

I just can't seem to help myself, and started cooking up a new set of brushes for a few illustration ideas that seem to be coming to fruition. I know it's been done to death, but I will probably make a tutorial video and post it here, as I can't say how many times I have talked to talented retouchers or digital artists who don't know how to make custom PS brushes. It's so easy, and addictive!


Photoshop CS6 Brushes

I am starting to dig into Photoshop CS6 in earnest, refining and improving some of my Brush sets. God bless my Cintiq, which just makes tweaking brushes a joy. Quick speedpaint of 20 mins with a brush I am workingo n today.

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