iPhone Videos - Brushes

Entries by Matthew Seydel Connors (93)


Prints featured on the Sketchbook site

These are very high quality prints, in a curated online gallery run by Autodesk's Sketchbook Pro tesm; please check out all of the artists, and pick up a print while you are there!






Getting back in the saddle on my Cintiq again with a quick SpeedPaint in Sketchbook Pro





Moebius Tribute Series

One of my favorite artists, and definitely in the pantheon of great creatives of the 20th century, Jen Giraud (a.k.a. Moebius) died a few months ago, and I have been meaning to start a tribute series. I will be amending this, but i started slow with an abstraction using a blend of a few of my favorite iPad apps.


More Sketchbook Video Experimentation


SketchClub on an iPad 3

Been too long since my last post, and not enough drawing in that time, but I am carving out a little more time every day. There are a few apps that I have been using on the ipad lately that i am very impressed with, and SketchClub is one of them. The ability to rotate the drawing view and create and customize the brush sets are probably my favorite features, and the online community accessible through the app itself is a huge plus to the experience. I am not usually a fan of recording my drawings as a WIP, but SketchClub really makes it easy: