iPhone Videos - Brushes

Entries in ipad art (10)


The Jester made with 123dCreature on an iPad

Hats off to Autodesk for a really amazing piece of software, 123dCreature, which is a 3d sculpting and painting tool that runs on the iPad. While the way it handles 'bones' takes a little getting used to, for the pricetag of $8 they'll get no complaints from me. It runs very smoothly on my iPad3, though I have noticed that it causes the device to run a bit hot, and drains the battery quickly. 

The 3d viewer on the 123d site is a nice touch as well, allowing you to show off a 3d model on your own site or elsewhere. The image at the bottom is a composite of the render, and some additional painting done in Procreate, as I wanted to keep it on the iPad. I wasn't 100% happy with the hands on the creature, and adding wings made it look a bit topheavy...all in all, I enjoyed making the model this way, and I am pleased with the end result. 





Sunder painted with Sketchbook Pro on an iPad

Been a while since I painted on my iPad with Sketchbook Pro, as I have been using a few other Apps like SketchClub and Procreate. As much as I like these other Apps, SBPro is the one that I have the most comfort and confidence in, and the similarity to the Mac DT version keeps my workflow in line.


Nomad Brush hosted video 

Nomad hosted this on their site as a teaser. Thanks Nomad!

And don't forget to vote so I can donate the winning $500 to Scholarship America!



Procreate warmup

testing some video capture options, though I think my old Leica lens is not up to the task:


The Big Idea

Painted with Sketchbook Pro on an iPad (3)

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